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Auroras Light The Sky During Rare Solar Storm

Auroras Light the Sky During Rare Solar Storm

Northern lights visible as far south as Florida

Geomagnetic storm expected to cause power grid disruptions

A dramatic blast from the sun set off the highest-level geomagnetic storm in Earth's atmosphere on Friday, causing the northern lights to be visible as far south as Florida. The storm is expected to continue for several days, and experts warn of potential disruptions to power grids.

The northern lights are a natural light display that occurs when charged particles from the sun interact with Earth's magnetic field. The particles are drawn to the magnetic poles, where they collide with atoms and molecules in the atmosphere, releasing energy in the form of light.

The solar storm that triggered the northern lights was caused by a coronal mass ejection, or CME. CMEs are large clouds of charged particles that are ejected from the sun's corona, the outermost layer of the sun's atmosphere. When a CME interacts with Earth's magnetic field, it can cause a geomagnetic storm.

Geomagnetic storms can range in intensity from minor to severe. The storm that is currently affecting Earth is a G5 storm, which is the highest level on the scale. G5 storms can cause power outages, disruptions to satellite communications, and damage to electrical equipment.

Experts are urging people to be aware of the potential risks associated with the solar storm and to take precautions to protect their electrical equipment.
